terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2022

Congresso Rir é Saúde | Dia Mundial do Riso | Oeiras | Portugal


English Bellow*

O Congresso Rir é Saúde nasce com o propósito de divulgar os benefícios da prática regular de Yoga do Riso na saúde física, mental, emocional, social e espiritual.
Desde 2016 unindo terapeutas da área do desenvolvimento pessoal e espiritual especialmente para si.
Este ano tornamos o evento novamente internacional pois será liderado em Português com um tradutor para os participantes que falam inglês.
No dia 7 celebramos o Dia Mundial do Riso em Portugal com uma meditação do riso pela Paz Mundial.
Segue-se o programa provisório
10h-10.45h – Sabrina Tacconi “Sessão de Playfulness”
10.45h – 11.15h – Inês Tacconi
11.15 – 12.00h – Jorge Morgado “Aula de Yoga”
12.00h – 12.30h – Pausa
12.30h – 13.15h – Anabela Mira “Sessão de Jogos”
13.15 – 15.00h – Pausa almoço
15h – 15.45h – Joe Hoare
15.45h – 16.30h – Nelson Guerreiro
16.30h – 17h – Dança e celebração
10h – 10.45h – Mar Gómez
10.45 – 11.30h – César Ribeiro “Sessão de Chi-Kung”
11.30h – 12.00h – Joe Hoare
12.00 – 12.30h – Pausa
12.30h – 13.15h – Paula Vital
13.15h – 15.00h Pausa almoço
15.00h – 15.45 – Rosa Espírito Santo
15.45h – 16.30h – Andreas Piper
16.30h – 17h – Música Bollywood dança
Local; Hotel Holiday Inn Oeiras
Av. Dom Félix Níza Ribeiro, 2740-314
O programa apresentado poderá sofrer alterações.
Valor para os dois dias; 100.-€
Valor para um dia; 50 .-€
2 coffee-breaks por dia incluídos no valor
Certificado de presença.
40 vagas disponíveis
Inscrições pelo info@terapiadoriso.pt
Grata pela atenção e vemo-nos para Rir 🙂
Sabrina Tacconi
Equipa Congresso Rir é Saúde
English information;
The main objective of Congresso Rir é Saúde is to divulge the benefits of laughter to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It´s important to me because we have the common human mission of attaining good health and well-being.
To create an awareness of the importance of laughter in people´s lives.
Unique perks?

Laughter can make a difference in people´s lives, both to those who are well and those who are less well. To give you an idea, a person who spends two weeks without laughing, enters a state of depression.
As we already know, depression is one of the biggest health problems in the world this day in age. Through laughter we can help people who are in a depressed state,and we can also bring more joy and physical health to people in general, because laughing is a physical exercise.
If you help to support this event, you will provide the opportunity for a lot of people to benefit from this event, and in so doing, you will be contributing to bringing more happiness to this world.
We are currently developing the 6th edition of the Congresso Rir é Saúde.

Every edition so far has been a success. We have directly reached over 300 people in 5 years, and have and an average of 12 thousand visitors to our web page per year.
This has given us an established credibility, as our methods have been tried and tested with great success.
The team consists of Sabrina Tacconi ( Laughter Yoga master trainer in Portugal ), Mar Gomez ( Laughter Yoga teacher ), Rosa Espirito Santo ( Laughter Yoga teacher ), Nelson Guerreiro ( Laughter Yoga teacher).
We are primarily a very united, tightly-knit team, with a common purpose of bringing more laughter to people´s lives.
The event have a translator from portuguese to english full event.
Reservations on info@terapiadoriso.pt
Thanks for your support and see you to laugh together.
Sabrina Tacconi

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#congressorirésaúde | Oeiras | 6 e 7 de Maio | Formadores e Programa

Sabrina Tacconi | Master Trainer de Yoga do Riso e Fundadora do Congresso Joe Hoare - Formador de Líderes de Yoga do Riso e Embaixador do Ri...